There are now 3 ways to get support with Digital Learning platforms at CSM:
- Booking a student digital learning support appointment: You can get help and advice relating to any of the UAL digital learning platforms by booking a 1 to 1 appointment with the digital learning team.
- Emailing the Digital learning team directly If you find it more convenient to drop the team an email, we would love to hear from you.
- Adobe suite and Library IT drop-in: Talk to a member of Library or Learning Zone staff for help with Adobe, other digital skills or more general IT enquiries.
Live support: Digital Learning 1 to 1 appointment
If you are experiencing any issues with the digital learning platforms or need advice about using them, you can now book an appointment to speak to one of the Digital Learning team directly. Please note: appointments only become bookable up to 1 week in advance and they will only be available during term time. All appointments are scheduled in UK times.
Link: Book an appointment here
Email us:
Alternatively, if you would prefer to just drop us an email to ask some advice, please contact us at: csmdigitallearning@arts.ac.uk
Live support: Adobe suite and Library IT
- Monday: 9:00 – 21:00
- Tuesday: 9:00 – 21:00
- Wednesday: 9:00 – 21:00
- Thursday: 9:00 – 21:00
- Friday: 9:00 – 21:00
Link: Adobe suite and Library IT drop-in
Link: Video overview of how this service works
Link: Adobe tutorials (UAL webpage)
Email support: Technical Support
If you would prefer to create a ‘help desk ticket’ to resolve a technical problem or to access a UAL platform such as Moodle, then this can be done via the MySupport webpage.
Link: mysupport.arts.ac.uk(UAL webpage)
Help document: Technical questions about Collaborate Ultra in China
If you are using Collaborate Ultra, based in China and are having access problems then the link below could offer some support