The CSM Netiquette guide is here to help everyone to have the best possible experience in online learning spaces. The netiquette guide has been developed with permission and support from Shades of Noir, building on their Virtual Learning Netiquette.
There are 7 key areas of the guide. Click on one of the titles below for more information. Please talk to your tutor if you have any questions, or contact the Digital learning team.
Taking part Being respectful Cameras and microphones Handling recordings Reporting issues Getting support Trigger warnings

Taking part
Most online sessions will offer you opportunities for dialogue, in written, typed or spoken forms. A teaching session might include a task before a live session, activities during a live session, and a task after a live session. These are all part of your teaching and learning, and we expect you to engage at all stages.
Live sessions online can be tiring. You can expect regular screen breaks to allow you time to process information.
If you need to leave a live session, please let your tutor know at an appropriate time.

Being respectful
All students and staff should treat the digital space with respect and professionalism, as outlined in the UAL Student Charter.
We want everyone to be able to participate as safely as possible in our digital learning spaces. Therefore, we encourage all students to avoid interrupting, shouting or talking over others, either verbally or via Chat. Please consider the tone and content of your contributions carefully in all online spaces.
Take a look at these hints and tips to get the most out of online spaces.

Using cameras and microphones
We encourage students to engage with live sessions as much as possible. Engaging with a session may include:
- Being on camera or using your microphone
- Typing in the chat
- Responding to polls
- Discussing your work in a breakout room
You can turn off your mic and/or your camera if you feel it is appropriate. For example, if you have parental/carer responsibilities, family commitments, need to go to the bathroom, etc. You do not need permission to do this.
If it’s not possible to have your camera on in live sessions, for example, due to bandwidth, or privacy concerns, please let your tutor know.

Handling recordings
Some of your live sessions may be recorded. You should use recordings of your sessions for personal study only. Please do not share links to recordings. In addition, please treat information/ideas shared by your peers with respect and confidentiality. We ask this to create a safe space for staff and students to work, learn and explore potentially sensitive ideas and experiences in creative work.

Reporting issues
We aim to create supportive and inclusive learning spaces; online, in chat, emails and face to face. Discrimination, bullying or harassment of any kind should not be tolerated. To report an incident, you can:
- Speak to a tutor, your course leader or another member of your course team
- Report the incident via Tell Someone, UAL’s online reporting platform (you can do this anonymously if you prefer)
- Seek advice from Arts SU
If an incident is impacting on your wellbeing and/or your studies, you can also seek support from the UAL Counselling, Health Advice and Chaplaincy team.

Getting support
We recognise that you might be experiencing distressing circumstances. If you need to speak with a tutor, please do this privately before or after a session. We ask this to ensure privacy for personal or sensitive information.
If you need advice or support relating to health, mental health, counselling, pastoral or spiritual care, as well as finances, student visas and disability support, visit UAL’s Student Services.

Using trigger warnings
We aim to create compassionate digital learning spaces for all students, staff and visitors to our sessions.
Your tutors may display trigger warnings at the beginning of sessions. If any of the discussions or content distress you, please feel free to leave a session and re-join if / when you are ready to do so. A discussion with your tutor during a break or after the session may be required.